
Rooted in the science of Human Behavior, we deliver meaningful creative brand solutions validated by Neuro marketing principles and semiotics.

Meet a group of diverse, passionate and seasoned industry expert partners in global branding, with individual, yet complementary skillsets.

Our combined experience

From corporate to consumer brands, we are able to drive transformational impact.

Procter & Gamble
Glaxo Smith Kline
The Alpina
Pernod Ricard

"Thought is made largely of images"

Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ ErrorHarper Collins, 1994

"The  term  image refers  not  just  to  the  visual  kind  but  to  the  images  of  any  sense  origin  such as  auditory,  visceral,  tactile,  and  so  forth."

Antonio Damasio, Self Comes to MindPantheon, 2010

"... successful people find value in unexpected places, and they do this by thinking about business from first principles instead of formulas."

Peter Thiel, Zero to OneCrown, 2014

"Thought is a thread of melody running through the succession of our sensations."

Charles Peirce1839-1914

"People’s behavior makes sense if you think about it in terms of goals, needs, and motives."

Thomas Mann1875-1955; Nobel Laureate in Literature, 1929

ScenseCapital TM

At Scenseis, we believe that brands have an often under-exploited sensory 'heritage' in their DNA.

By activating SCENSECAPITAL™ at the heart of our approach, we inject sensory dimensions into the expression of the brand, strengthening the links with its audiences and giving more weight to its MISSION.

Revealing value through sense

Going through three simple and concise, result-driven phases.


At Scenseis we believe that process is important, but that one size does not fit all…everything we work on we develop a bespoke methodology, grounded in tried and tested tools along with deep rooted experience.

Why Scenseis
Transformational Value

Anchored in neuro marketing and semiotics, we understand the transformative power of experiences. By revealing value through senses, we deliver tangible creative equities that enable deeper and meaningful connections.

Organic & Essential

Process is important; however one size does not fit all and nothing is ever static… we embrace technology to develop lean methodologies, inclusive, and respectful of your organization.

Sustained Stewardship

A dedicated senior team stays intimately involved from the beginning to the end. And that’s a Scenseis Brand Promise.

Multi Dimensional team

We bring targeted expertise as needed across a wide range of creative and strategic disciplines. With international backgrounds we are culture sensitive.